Why cite?

Your instructor has given your class the assignment to write a research paper and your instructor reminds everyone to cite your sources.

What does that mean? How do you do that and why should you do that?

First of all, you should cite – which means make reference or give credit to – all the sources you used in your research paper or essay.

One of the reasons you want to credit your sources is because you want to give acknowledgement to the people who’ve done research on your topic in the past.

Another reason is because your instructor or whoever reads your paper, may want to investigate your topic further.

And another reason is because when you cite your sources, that gives credence and weight to your own topic or thesis.

Also, students should be aware of Whatcom Community College’s Student Code of Conduct, specifically Academic Dishonesty, and what to do if you’re found in violation.

So how do you cite the sources you use in your research project? The first step is to go to the library’s homepage.

You’ll see Quick Links to the two common citation styles –with videos! – that are used by WCC instructors – APA style, which is the American Psychological Association style and MLA style, Modern Language Association style.

Also, from the Library’s homepage, under the photo of the Learning Commons, you can click on the links to the Research Guides and the Tutorials page to access links to the two citation styles.

Still unsure of what plagiarism is? Go to our Research Guides (the link is just below the photo of the Learning Commons) and go to What is Plagiarism?

Do you want some examples of how to cite your sources in the correct academic style?

On the Tutorials link, to to Handouts for Printing and Sharing. There you’ll find PDF handouts that you can print or save for easy access when you write your References or Works Cited page, as well as tips to choosing a topic, how to find and evaluate journal articles, and more.

If you need further help, come to the Library’s Research Help Desk on the main floor of the Learning Commons.

Or you can chat with us 24-7 (it’s the tab under Services). We hope to see you soon!

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