Search for your topic in Google Scholar

By following these steps, you can use Google Scholar to find relevant research articles for your topic.

Open your web browser and go to

In the search box, enter the topic or keywords that you want to search for.

Click on the magnifying glass icon or press enter to begin your search.

To refine your search results, use the filters on the left-hand side of the screen. You can filter your results by publication date, author, and publication type.

To view an article, click on the title or the “PDF” or “Full text” button. If the article is behind a paywall, you may need to access it through a library database or pay a fee to view it.

Once you have accessed the article, review it to determine if it is relevant to your research. Read the abstract and introduction to get an idea of the content and scope of the article.

If you decide to use the article in your research, make sure to cite it properly using the citation style required by your instructor or publisher.

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